Library and Film Library

Dedicated to the film heritage of Porto, the Film Library aims to collect and preserve cinematographic works related to the city, either by showing its history or landscape, or because the production involved film professionals from Porto.

The catalogue includes films across fiction, animation and documentary, as well as a range of other audiovisual recordings and formats: television programmes and series, video clips, advertisements, amateur and family cinema, school projects and experimental works.


Tuesday to Saturday 11:00-19:00



The Souvenir: Part II, Joanna Hogg, 2021


The Library collection brings together publications from all eras relating to different areas of cinema. It also features complementary works from related fields, such as the social and human sciences, curating, and the visual arts. The Library also keeps subscriptions to more than a dozen publications from different countries.


A Confederação
Black Skin, White Masks
Cineastas Portuguesas 1874–1956
Claire Denis
A Confederação
Amadeu Lopes Sabino e Luís Galvão Teles

Portugal não é (ainda) a Confederação mas a Confederação é uma das possibilidades contidas no futuro do nosso presente. Este 1984 português — a um tempo ácido, desencantado e esperançoso — que inicia a COLECÇÃO CINEMA DA CENTELHA, é o argumento do filme do mesmo nome realizado por Luís Galvão Teles e que obteve o Grande Prémio do Festival Internacional de Cinema da Figueira da Foz, em 1977.Inspirado num original de Amadeu Lopes Sabino (datado de 1973 e incluído no volume Após Aljubarrota — Narrativas Históricas, que a CENTELHA editará em breve), o texto agora publicado é da autoria de Amadeu Lopes Sabino e de Luís Galvão Teles. A edição inclui um prefácio de Eduardo Prado Coelho e depoimentos de Sérgio Godinho e José Mário Branco sobre a música do filme, da responsabilidade de ambos.

Film Library

Dedicated to the film heritage of Porto, the Film Library aims to collect and preserve cinematographic works related to the city, either by showing its history or landscape, or because the production involved film professionals from Porto.

The catalogue includes films across fiction, animation and documentary, as well as a range of other audiovisual recordings and formats: television programmes and series, video clips, advertisements, amateur and family cinema, school projects and experimental works.


Arca d’Água
Fado Lusitano
Menina Analógica
Portugal, fic., 2009, 23’
Arca d’Água
André Gil Mata

In a lake surrounded by buildings, a man builds a boat. The dream of an impossible journey, in a search for freedom from the memories of an everlasting past. A questioning of the effects of time and the metamorphoses of spaces in the life of a man, and in his happy demise.

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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