

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025

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Clube de Leitura 2025


Clube de Leitura 2025
Reading Club
Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025


Based on the premise that films have the ability to transform our relationship with the written word, and vice versa, the Reading Club aims to provoke a stimulating dialogue between cinema and literature, enabling the creation of interconnected ideas from these two areas. The Reading Club is founded on the idea that films can transform our relationship with the written word, and vice versa. It seeks to spark a stimulating dialogue between cinema and literature, fostering the creation of interconnected ideas across these two realms. The Reading Club is aimed at a general public, regardless of education or level of knowledge. The third edition is co-ordinated by Teresa Coutinho, actress and director, and Gisela Casimiro, artist and writer.

Free participation

Sessions: 8
Schedule: Thursdays, from 7.15pm to 8.30pm
Calendar: 9 Jan–8 May
Recipients: General audiences

These sessions are conducted in Portuguese only. For additional information, reach out to us via


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025Clube de Leitura 2025

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