

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova


Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova

The Thousand Year Plan, Agnieszka Polska, 2021

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova

Do you have a specific need?*

Após o preenchimento e submissão do formulário todas as pessoas inscritas serão contactadas pela equipa do Batalha Centro de Cinema com confirmação da inscrição. Caso a inscrição seja confirmada serão solicitadas algumas perguntas simples definidas pelos curadores do grupo sobre a relação dos participantes com o cinema.

Para o esclarecimento de qualquer dúvida ou questão, por favor entre em contacto com



When a star explodes in a supernova and projects its intense light on a cosmic scale, it also emits the chemical elements forged in its core – including, for example, the silver found in film stock, or the oxygen held in our breath in the dark of a cinema auditorium.

Supernova is a group for young cinephiles aged between 16 and 22 years old that aims to encourage an informal enjoyment of cinema through differing perspectives. Batalha’s programme will be seen through the lens of other art forms such as dance, music, visual arts, pop culture elements or even the personal experiences of each group member.

To lead the first group, we invited Inês Ariana (selected by Escola Artística Soares dos Reis and currently a student at Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto), João Pinto (Film student at Universidade Católica), and the artist and director Tomás Paula Marques, who is also Batalha's first New Moon.

Sessions: 12
Schedule: Saturdays, from 16:00 to 17:30

Recipients: 16-22 years old

Registration: Starting October 17

These sessions are conducted in Portuguese only. For additional information, reach out to us via

Curatorial Text
Supernova is a group for young people that uses film as a departure point for discussion and dialogue around all kinds of themes and issues. The aim is to organise a heterogeneous group, both in terms of its members — who will contribute different viewpoints and approaches to Batalha’s entire programme — and in terms of the artistic and social themes that will be proposed. With topics such as identity politics, the idea of the domestic, new approaches to sci-fi and alternatives to the History of cinema, among others, the group will hold wide-ranging sessions using transdisciplinary sources from essays to poetry and audiovisual material. Supernova aims to inhabit not only Batalha, but also the city of Porto, with sessions conducted in a family environment adapted to the needs of each member. Sessions will vary between: screenings of films from Batalha’s programme, followed by discussion; talks with guest speakers; and informal discussions to create points of contact and exchange within the group.

The only thing expected of participants is that they bring questions for discussion by the group, and that they are ready to listen and be listened to. Supernova is a meeting place for discussing the multiplicity of creative forms and perspectives that exist within and beyond cinema, in order to help us think about the world.

Inês Ariana, João Pinto and Tomás Paula Marques, curators for the Supernova group.


Next screenings


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - SupernovaCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova

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