

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, Texas

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, Texas


Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, Texas
Porto, Texas

The Girls, Mai Zetterling, 1968

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, Texas


Porto, Texas is a cinephile group that brings together people so deeply committed to cinema they want to keep the experience alive outside the auditorium. These relaxed encounters encourage aficionados of the seventh art to meet in a space conducive to the exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences. We will encourage discussion through the sharing of texts, music and films, with the aim of building a critical relation to cinema.

Porto, Texas is intended for a general audience, regardless of schooling or existing knowledge of cinema.
The first edition is coordinated by Maria Leite, actress, and Ricardo Vieira Lisboa, programmer and critic.

Sessions: 10

Schedule: Thursdays, from 7.15pm to 8.30pm

Recipients: General audiences

Registration: Starting October 17

The slots for this group have already been filled. In the second half of 2023, we will open registration for the second edition of Porto, Texas. Stay tuned!

Curatorial Text
Cinema provides an opportunity for friendship, and cinephilia is a way of living the experience of cinema with others. In meetings of the group “Paris, Texas”, the confluence of each member’s individual experiences will create a collaborative constellation where thoughts, memories and confessions all have their place. During the dynamic, circular discussions we will share our love of cinema and discuss the films we have seen (in the cycles and programmes shown at Batalha Centro de Cinema, but also elsewhere), promoting individual contributions and the joy of sharing. Andrew Sarris, the North-American critic, once said that “film is both a window and a mirror” — it is a place in which we see ourselves reflected and where we are seen (by others and also by the films we watch). It is at the cinema that we come to be.

Ricardo Vieira Lisboa and Maria Leite, curators for the Porto, Texas group.


Next screenings


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, TexasCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Porto, Texas

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