

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de Leitura

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de Leitura


Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de Leitura
Reading Club

When We Dead Awaken, Tomás Paula Marques, 2022

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de Leitura


Cinema has the ability to transform our relationship with the written word, and vice versa. This belief is the starting point for the Reading Club, which aims to stimulate a dialogue between cinema and literature, allowing for the generation of new ideas connected to these two forms. The group will read novels, stories, dramaturgical texts, poems and essays relating to films in Batalha’s programme, reflecting on and interrogating the intertextual relationships between past and contemporary works.

The Reading Club is intended for a general audience, regardless of training or existing knowledge. The first edition will be led by Teresa Coutinho, actor and stage director, and Gisela Casimiro, artist and writer.

Sessions: 8

Schedule: Thursdays, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Recipients: General audiences

The slots for this group have already been filled. In the second half of 2023, we will open registration for the second edition of the Reading Club. Stay tuned!

Curatorial Text
In close dialogue with the Batalha Centro de Cinema programme, but not limited by it, at these fortnightly gatherings we will reflect on some of the films being screened in the light of a selection of books chosen by the Reading Club’s leaders, from bell hooks to Ana Luísa Amaral. It will be a space for exchange, informal discussion and identification of the intertextuality and intersectionality of these films, open to everyone. — Teresa Coutinho and Gisela Casimiro, curators for the Clube de Leitura group


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de LeituraCinema ao Redor - Grupos - Clube de Leitura

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