01 Labor of Love
Labor of Love


Sylvia Schedelbauer


02 Fiesta Forever
Fiesta Forever


Jorge Jácome


03 Milk of Amnesia
Milk of Amnesia


Jeff Scher


04 Queen


Kathryn Elkin


05 Curses


Jodie Mack


Party Forever



Festa Para SempreFesta Para Sempre

Past event.

Past event.




This upbeat short film program brings together all kind film games, animation techniques and possibilities of types of self-expressions in film. These shorts deal with some concepts related to the summer: Schedelbauer’s stunning sensory experience explores the meaning of love, Jacome’s piece the “non-stop parties” in abandon discos, Scher magically draws glimpses of memories of a sunny time, the high speed autobiographical performative film by Elkin questions the meaning of being a mother nowadays and Mack offers a wonderful film made entirely by hand from cut marbled paper reinterpreting a dream-sequence love of a Hollywood classic. 

Free entry

Other screenings

Age restriction


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto


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Festa Para SempreFesta Para SempreFesta Para SempreFesta Para Sempre

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